Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"Our Goal is a Healthy Mommy and Baby"

I am simply choosing to report from what I viewed without comment and let the information speak for itself.
Cesarean Birth from Hartford Hospital

C-sections -- "1.2 million are performed each year making it the most common procedure in the United States"

"...certainly one of the most rewarding for an Obstetrician to perform"

Here is what I heard as I listened to this video from Hartford Hospital:

The doctors speak about separating the rectuc muscles and stretch them apart from where they are split in the middle and pick up the peritinium and manipulate that from inside to get to the baby. They make an incision in the peritinium from the inside to get better access to the uterus. Just above the pubic bone above the uterus is the bladder which is somewhat adherent to the uterus, so it must be dissected away from the uterus and out of the way. Recovery time is 3-4 day stay in hospital and 6-8 week recovery time at home. Finally a uterine incision is made to remove the baby from the womb and deliver the baby. Since the mom didn't go into labor the uterus did not have a chance to thin out. This means a longer time for recovery of this part of the procedure. Transverse incision in the uterus is the most common and safest to perform which will allow the possibility of a VBAC. Babies born by C-sections and not the birth canal don't have the chance to remove excess fluids from the lungs which happen naturally during a vaginal birth, therefore "babies born by C-sections are born with more fluids in their mouths" which need to be expressed by the doctors. Unscheduled C-sections will have a Pediatrician in the surgical room for the birth of the baby. C-babies are generally more quiet since there was no transition from uterus to the breathing world. If your OB leaves the uterus inside to suture you up "you will have less nausea and vomiting."

Malpractice concerns is the FIRST reason listed from the doctor in this video when asked for the reasons for the rising rates of C-sections in the United States. "To stay away from forcepts delivery and patients' preference" are listed next.
1 result for: obstetrics
Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
Caesarian, Caesarian section, accouchement, bearing, birth, birthing, bringing forth, childbearing, confinement, geniture, labor, lying-in, midwifery, obstetrics, parturition, travail
Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)