In researching the topic of the science behind Reiki I found a fantastic book by Barbara Ann Brennan, “Hands Of Light”. The scientific information I write about today I learned while reading her book. Hands Of Light is a great source of reference and I highly suggest it to those who wish to delve further into this topic.
Recently I felt incredibly pulled to write about this subject and while I had previously heard of Barbara Brennan I must admit that I didn't know much about her before picking up her book. I have never been one to follow people, as name dropping has NEVER impressed me and those who know me personally can tell you that most often when asked, "Do you know about such and such person?" my answer will almost definitely be no. What I do "know" is that I put the message out to the universe that I wished to find a source that gave information about the science behind Reiki energy and the very first book presented to me when starting my research was Ms. Brennan's. I only had a brief synopsis about the contents of the book, available to read online. My gut told me this was the source I needed, my head told me to go touch a copy and look first. I picked up her book at the store days later and thumbed through the table of contents and sure enough I had the information I had requested to complete today's article.
Have you ever known that the phone would ring right before it did? Have you ever had the experience of knowing who was on the other end of the ringing phone before you picked it up?
Many of us have lived these experiences but we do not have the words to explain how this happened for us. Does that make the experience any less real?
All beings have the ability to connect with one another through electromagnetic fields, just as a Reiki practitioner acts as the conduit for Universal Energy to connect to their client. A Reiki practitioner works with a being’s energy or electromagnetic field to balance the chakras and allow the being to free up “stuck” energy. When you knew who would be on the other end of the phone, it was because your energy was connecting with the energy field of the person calling you.
Science cannot explain how we tap into the energy fields and practice Reiki but what it can do is show us what it is that Reiki practitioners work with. Through the history of science we can help the rational mind understand and accept what the gut already knows to be true.
Every fiber of our being is made up of electrical currents. Today we have machines to measure and prove this to be true. The electrocardiogram is a machine that measures the currents in the heart. The electroencephalogram measures currents in the brain. There is even a machine to measure the electromagnetic fields around the body. It is called the SQUID. SQUID is an acronym for super conducting quantum interference device.
In 1979 Dr. Robert Becker “discovered” the direct current control system and found particles the size of atoms in the electromagnetic fields around the human body.
Dr. Victor Inyushin calls the electromagnetic fields around the body bioplasmic fields and calls this the fifth state of matter. The first four are solids, liquids, gases and plasma.
What many people refer to as “vibes” Michael Farady and James Clerk Maxwell coined the Field Theory. They believe that each electrical charge creates a disturbance in the space around it, causing the electrical currents around the original charge to feel a force, which create a domino effect. What this means is that the information in our energy fields send a message to the energy fields around our energy fields and so on and so on, as the old shampoo commercial goes, until it hits the energy fields of the people around us and automatically sends the initial information, without words said or for us to be present. The Field Theory gives scientific explanation to distance Reiki healings that Reiki practitioners provide to their clients.
The most famous person to study and explain energy is Albert Einstein. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is that matter is just slowed down energy, therefore matter and energy are one and the same.